Saturday, 25 April 2015

Seeing Molly again

Yesterday afternoon I had a lovely time visiting Molly again.

The extra person in the two photos above is Molly's younger brother. He's been doing a really good job of looking after me while Molly has been in hospital.

Apparently Molly is hoping to come home sometime this week! I'm so excited! I really hope she's well enough.

While we were out in the hospital grounds yesterday we met a young patient. Molly took me over to say hello & I was really well behaved. I made the little boy very happy :)

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Visiting Molly!

Yesterday I visited Molly in hospital! I'd not seen her in over 2 weeks.

At first I didn't know where her dad & younger brother were taking me. They made me have a bath & (home) groom a few days ago (not my favourite activities!) because apparently I was quite a mess. I didn't know that was in preparation for seeing Molly though.

Yesterday we travelled for quite a way in the car but I've always been a good traveller so that was fine - I looked out of the window for some of the time & slept for the rest of it.

Then we parked & walked to an area of grass where I was let off my lead. I started sniffing around & exploring & then suddenly I heard "Toto come". That's my usual recall command but this time it was Molly's voice! I stopped suddenly as I couldn't believe it, surely it couldn't be my Molly! I had a look around, spotted her & ran over at top speed. She was sitting down on the grass but I almost knocked her over in my enthusiasm.

I had to show Molly just how much I loved & missed her. After that I calmed down a bit, did some exploring & had cuddles.

We were both sad when Molly had to go back to the ward & I had to leave, especially as Molly won't be able to come home for another couple of weeks. But I'm hoping to visit her again soon.

Thursday, 16 April 2015


Sorry for the lack of blog posts over the last few weeks. I'm fine but Molly has been quite poorly. It was very scary when some strange people rushed into our house & took her away in an ambulance. That was over 2 weeks ago & she hasn't come home yet. Apparently she's got to stay in hospital for a while so they can make her better. We both miss each other lots but hope it won't be long til we can be together again & resume sharing our stories with you. In the meantime the rest of Molly's family are looking after me well.