Sunday, 22 November 2015

Out with Molly!

Me & Molly are currently in the process of putting together a proper update post but in the meantime we wanted to tell you about today. We went on a walk together for the first time in 6 weeks! I was a bit of a nuisance when I saw other dogs (I really wanted to play with them!) but apart from that it went very well & I even walked nicely by Molly's scooter for part of it.

Molly thinks she looks silly in these photo but she needs the sunglasses due to her light sensitivity.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Overdue update

Apologies again for another not very eloquent blog post. And sorry it's been a little while since our last one, most of the text of this has been written for a while but we had to wait til Molly was well enough to use her laptop for long enough to help me select, edit & add the photos.

Since my last update I have:
- socialised with visitors.
- stolen a slipper from the downstairs bathroom when the door was open (all footwear is kept in there because I can't resist playing with it) & then once the door was closed again I helped myself to a shoe that was on the washstand.
- had a very sleepy day after a neighbour's party disturbed my sleep the night before.
- had more fun playing with the squashes on the stairs when the only person at home was Molly & she wasn't well enough to come down & stop me, hehe!

- returned from a walk with my coat full of grass seeds much to Molly's dismay as she then had to pick them all out. 
- mostly not been at all fazed by the fireworks we heard at Halloween & for Bonfire Night. I ignored most of them but did have a bit of a bark at them in the garden (& then continued back in the house) one eve. I was guarding my territory & protecting my family! And then some ******** [naughty word Molly said!] set off a few fireworks at 5am one night! I moved from where I was lying at the foot of the bed & sat just next to Molly's shoulder to guard her. Luckily my barking (of course I barked, which dog wouldn't if fireworks woke them in the middle of the night?!) didn't wake the rest of the family.
- found a wig to play with!

- not made much mess when I was left home alone, just knocked a few things off Molly's bedside table when I climbed up there to explore on one occasion.
- given Molly a very enthusiastic greeting when she returned home.
- slept with my eyes open!

- shot out the front door when Molly's dad opened it to see if her mum was home from work. I did return without too much hassle though.
- posed with the rest of the family for a photo in the garden. I wasn't very good at looking at the camera until Molly's dad thought to put a piece of food in front of it & ask me to "wait"!
- stolen Molly's place in her bed (on numerous occasions) when she went to the toilet.

- found various parts of a big dead bird on evening walks with Molly's dad! Initially he made me leave it but the second time he allowed me to carry it round in my mouth. That made me very happy as I was very proud of what I'd found.
- got very upset & thrown a tantrum when the postman walked past our house but didn't come to see me!
- got very excited on my morning walks when I've seen anyone wearing red because I assumed that they were the postman who always has treats for me!
- chilled out on Molly's bed.

- been quite confused when a rabbit ran towards me rather than away from me on one of my evening walks! I did lots of yapping because I just didn't know what to do!
- stolen a full toilet roll off the holder in the bathroom while everyone else was around! I was caught though when I was heading down the stairs with it just as Molly's mum was coming upstairs.
- had some lovely cuddles with Molly on her sofa.

- tried to assist Molly's dad when he had to carry Molly up the stairs. Apparently jumping up at them wasn't helpful. Humph!
- been accidentally trapped in Molly's parents' bedroom a couple of times when the door swung shut as her Dad left the room. I made a lot of noise & was quickly rescued though.
- been to the vet because I've got an infected tick bite. So I've been given a week's course of antibiotics. I'm very good at taking them because I know I get food afterwards.
- watched a nature programme on TV.

And Molly has read a dog training book which she thinks could potentially be really helpful. We'll keep you updated.