I'm usually fearless when I encounter new things but got worried when Molly's cousin brought a long white plastic pipe into the house. She was at one end of the pipe but her voice came out the other! So I ran away & wouldn't go near it.
On Wednesday some of Molly's friends came round to see me because apparently they're going to look after me on Sunday when Molly goes out. That'll be exciting! I will report back afterwards.
Molly wasn't very well that afternoon & evening so we weren't able to go to training class. Molly's dad took me out on a walk to the playing fields instead though. We also called in at the bowls' club where I got lots of fuss. After that I discovered how comfortable Molly's parents' bed was but I wasn't allowed to stay on it. Hmph!
Molly got a shock at 3am on Thursday morning when I woke her up with a couple of really impressive howls! She was worried but I was sound asleep (on her sofa in her bedroom), so she thinks I must have been dreaming.
Yesterday we had a really good walk in the woods. We were there for about an hour & a quarter and did lots of training while we were out because Molly felt bad that we'd missed the class the previous day. Molly took lots of photos.
While we were out I found some poo to rub my face in! I did stop as soon as Molly said "leave it" but she was too late (& I then went back to the poo & did it again!) so I had to have my beard washed when we got home, yuk! Molly had just washed my beard & rinsed it when I saw her dad shovelling fertiliser so I had to go & try to burrow/dive in the pile of that. Hehe!
This morning I weighed 8.6kg which is a little bit less than last week but Molly isn't worried.
I got up to lots of mischief earlier today when I found a roll of paper towels! It was quickly taken away from me but then I found another! So I had lots of fun shredding that.
And then I found a box of tissues to shred too!
Molly wasn't very well again earlier so I'm now keeping a very close eye on her.
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