Sunday, 14 June 2015


Everything has been a bit chaotic here since my last update because Molly's cousin is redoing the bathroom. She's my new favourite person!

So there's lots going on & much to my annoyance sometimes various doors & stairgates are shut to keep me out of the way (or as Molly says to stop me running out the front door, eating unsuitable things, falling through the floor, stealing tools etc).

Sometimes though I'm allowed wherever I like. I'm not fazed at all by any of the strange noises, I just like investigating them & watching the work going on. Apparently I'm not too much of a nuisance.

On Thursday my Kong Wobbler was still in the dishwasher when it was time for my breakfast so I had it in a couple (it didn't all fit in one) of different interactive toys instead.

I also ate an egg shell I found in the garden. Molly wasn't concerned about it doing me any harm because it was an unusually soft one but she didn't realise it would give me such bad wind, haha!

That afternoon we went on a walk round the fields on the edge of the village but we both struggled a bit with the heat. I kept sitting or lying down because I was tired & hot. We had a nice rest in the shade about half way through & Molly made sure I had access to water to drink. We also did some "stay" practise in a new environment & Molly took lots of photos of me.

^ Molly thought this pose was very funny! I was tired!

Molly's mum very kindly picked us up in the car when we got back to the road because neither of us felt up to walking home. Molly is now considering buying me a cooling coat for summer walks & is going to try to take me out at cooler times of the day if she can.

I slept well after that walk but woke up when Springwatch was on TV because I was intrigued by the cuckoos' calls. I also had fun playing with Molly's younger brother who came home unexpectedly in the evening & did a brilliant "leave it" when Molly wanted me to give up a pencil I'd found.

That evening Molly got a bit stressed trying to sort out car insurance so I helped her by just being cute. Apologies for these photos being dark & for my scruffiness, I don't like being brushed.

On Friday Molly took me out earlier than usual to avoid the midday heat. We called in at someone's house to drop some books off & I was very patient, just a bit noisy, while they talked. I had to stay on my extendable lead at the playing fields because someone was mowing the grass & Molly knew I'd want to go & say "hello". I did some good recalls away from birds & surprised Molly by just sitting down to watch one, rather than chasing it. Molly carries a bottle of water with her on walks for us both to use but I spoiled that plan by trying to drink from it as Molly poured the water into my bowl.

When we got home I spent some time in the garden while everyone else had lunch outside.

That afternoon I sneaked out of the front door when Molly's mum & cousin went outside. They didn't realise until Molly's mum heard me barking & thought "That dog sounds like Toto!" I'd gone next door to say "hello" to some workmen but refused to return to Molly's mum when she called me so she had to come & get me because I was trying to follow them into the house, hehe!

Yesterday I had a very exciting start to the morning when the postman knocked on the door at 7.45am & woke me & Molly up. I went downstairs with her & was delighted to see the postman at the door. He made a big fuss of me & gave me a biscuit!

Molly spent a lot of time trying to get some matts out of my beard yesterday. She insisted on brushing my teeth, washing, rinsing & drying my beard & then using a brush, comb & her fingers to try to get the tangles out. She didn't make much progress. I don't like it when she does that because it's uncomfortable but she says she has to. She asked for some advice from other schnauzer owners & has now bought some supplies to make it a bit easier in future.

Yesterday afternoon we walked to collect Molly's mum from work & walked round the playing fields & village pond on the way home. We didn't do any long lead practise this time though because there were people playing cricket & I wanted to join in.

I had some very excitable moments in the evening. When Molly's dad vacuumed I wanted to play with the vacuum cleaner, I ran around the house with my bed in my mouth, I jumped all over & licked Molly's dad's head when he lay on the floor & I had some extreme zoomies! Molly's dad took me on a walk to the park to expend some of my energy & he said I was very well behaved.

I surprised Molly by actually choosing to sleep in my bed downstairs. I usually sleep next to it or just rest my head on it but I was in in properly for a while yesterday. And I wasn't fazed at all by some noisy fireworks outside.

I made Molly laugh last night when I claimed her pillow. She wondered where she was supposed to sleep!

I slept on Molly's bed (but further down) for part of the night & enjoyed being close to her until she kicked me off because she needed more room. I think she should get a bigger bed so we can both fit on it comfortably. When Molly got up to close the curtains more fully during the night she fell over my water bowl on the floor, oops!

So far today I've been doing lots of investigating around the house & garden & have got lots of bits of sawdust & other things stuck in my beard in the process. I've also had fun chewing up bits of cardboard & trying to 'help' Molly's cousin.

P.S. On Thursday morning I weighed 8.9kg so I've put on a little bit of weight this week. Molly thinks that's probably due to the chicken she's been giving me for training - yum yum! She said she might have to cut my meals down a bit if it continues. I don't like the sound of that!

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