Saturday, 10 October 2015

Being loved & bad beard days

When the supermarket delivery man came last week I was upstairs with Molly & her dad so they put the door to & started to distract me with food to keep me out of the way. But then we heard that the delivery man missed seeing me so I was allowed to go downstairs & say hello. Everyone loves me!

After my groom a few weeks ago Molly was really happy with the result but noticed that my beard was still knotted. This has got worse (because I like to explore by sticking my nose in everything) but I won't cooperate enough to let Molly work the knots out so I'm going back to the groomers next week to see what they can do.

One night when I was asleep on Molly's bed I heard the front door so ran downstairs excitedly to find out who had come round to see me. When I saw it was just Molly's younger brother I huffed at him & ran back upstairs to reclaim my warm spot on Molly's bed.

The last few times I've been left home alone Molly has been more thorough in her 'Toto proofing' so I haven't been able to get hold of anything I shouldn't. I did help myself to a letter off the washstand one morning (I wasn't home alone but Molly's mum was in the shower & everyone else was still in bed) though which I shredded. I don't think it was important. Molly's dad said that I still have some of my puppy behaviours but then Molly pointed out that I never did this as a young puppy! Hehe!

I was well behaved when we had visitors this morning, including a child. I did lots of barking to start with because I was trying to protect Molly but I also wanted to investigate the new people. I quickly calmed down & they thought I was lovely.

Last time we promised you some more photos so here are a few:

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