Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Close escapes, play & being nosey

I've had lots of excitement over the last few days. At the weekend I ate a vitamin supplement capsule (designed for humans) which made Molly panic but after some research she realised I'd be fine. She did keep a close eye on me just in case though.

Talking of being fine, I had a lucky escape today when Molly's laptop nearly squashed me! Molly says I'm exaggerating but I'm not!

I found a big spider in the living room one evening so had great fun chasing it & playing with it. I didn't eat it though.

One morning Molly's dad saw me greet the postman for the first time. He thought I'd run out the door but I just wanted a biscuit which I swallowed without chewing in the hope I'd get another one. I didn't. Molly said I make her laugh because my barking makes it sound like I'm trying to scare the postman off but in fact I love him - & yes, food does play a part in that.

I'm still not great with my commands. Last night I refused to move "off" Molly's bed after stealing her seat when she nipped to the toilet. After asking me twice she picked me up & put me on the floor, then asked me to "wait" while she got into bed. I did that but then when she invited me "up" to join her I refused - until she sat forward to sort her covers out, at which point I stole her space again. Hehe!

I 'helped' Molly's dad when he had to sort some sockets & extension leads out under her bed. I thought he was on the floor to play with me so kept jumping on his head & trying to lick his face. Apparently I just got in the way!

I also thought everyone was playing with me when Molly, her mum & dad all sat down in her room to watch TV. Apparently I was a bit of a nuisance, whoops! I know they love me really despite what they may say ;)

To stop me annoying Molly's mum when she was trying to read one evening me & Molly had great fun playing together. I love it when she has enough energy to play with me, even if it's just for a few minutes. She thought we'd made some progress on giving up toys to play fetch one evening but as soon as we start to get anywhere I get bored & lose interest!

Molly says I'm just too nosey. I like to explore everything but when other people are at home they tend to stop me. BUT when I'm home alone I can do as I please! So last time I was on my own I helped myself to an empty envelope off the desk & shredded it all over the floor. I also found a pair of denim shorts on a chair so had fun dragging them round the house. Molly thought she'd 'Toto proofed' the house before she went out but clearly she hadn't done a very good job!

One day I stole a toilet roll (who put it on top of the radiator especially for me to play with?!) out of the bathroom despite lots of the family being around. It was soon confiscated - not fair!

I've continued to have lots of fun walks with Molly's parents (including lots of rabbit chasing with Molly's dad) & they both took me out for a walk together at the weekend which I enjoyed. Molly hasn't managed to take me out recently though.

Apologies for the lack of photos in this post, hopefully we'll have some to share next time.

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