Wednesday, 14 January 2015

A slightly calmer day

I've been slightly calmer today although I've still had my mad moments. When Molly tried to use the computer this morning she hoped I'd be able to amuse myself for a short period but within just a couple of minutes I'd played tug of war with the curtains, tried to dig up the rug, madly licked the wall (which is a new one for me) & stolen a cushion from the sofa & fought with it! I'm getting bigger every day & am quite skilled at standing on my hind legs & helping myself to things from surfaces & furniture. I've taken the remote control & turned the TV on twice today & also jumped up onto the sofa for the first time!

Molly has managed to get a bit done though when I've been resting & sleeping. And her mum dog sat when she went out to the cinema this afternoon. I was very excited to see her when she returned & gave her face a very good wash to let her know.

I had lots of fun helping Molly's dad dog in the garden earlier but when I came inside they insisted on washing my paws! I don't like water (unless drinking it, so had to sample the soapy bowl of water first!) so wouldn't stay still & made a lot of mess! Apologies for the poor photo, it was all a bit chaotic!
I accidentally scratched Molly's neck when we had a cuddle so she said I need my claws clipping again. I like playing with the nail clippers though so Molly thinks it'll be a challenge. She had a go today but we only got one nail done! I did let her brush me though.

When we did some training this afternoon Molly had a bag of treats in her pocket for about 5 minutes. None of the treats touched the material of her clothing & she soon put them away again but I can't understand that they're not still in there so keep sticking my nose in her pocket to try to find them.

Molly's mum took me on a walk today while Molly was out. She doesn't often get chance to walk me so I enjoyed that. Molly says we're going to go for another walk later this evening.

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