Molly has managed to get a bit done though when I've been resting & sleeping. And her mum dog sat when she went out to the cinema this afternoon. I was very excited to see her when she returned & gave her face a very good wash to let her know.
I had lots of fun helping Molly's dad dog in the garden earlier but when I came inside they insisted on washing my paws! I don't like water (unless drinking it, so had to sample the soapy bowl of water first!) so wouldn't stay still & made a lot of mess! Apologies for the poor photo, it was all a bit chaotic!
I accidentally scratched Molly's neck when we had a cuddle so she said I need my claws clipping again. I like playing with the nail clippers though so Molly thinks it'll be a challenge. She had a go today but we only got one nail done! I did let her brush me though.
When we did some training this afternoon Molly had a bag of treats in her pocket for about 5 minutes. None of the treats touched the material of her clothing & she soon put them away again but I can't understand that they're not still in there so keep sticking my nose in her pocket to try to find them.
Molly's mum took me on a walk today while Molly was out. She doesn't often get chance to walk me so I enjoyed that. Molly says we're going to go for another walk later this evening.
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