Monday, 19 January 2015

Cheese & leaves

This morning I had to wake Molly up earlier than usual because I needed the toilet. After some thinking & a phone call to the vets for advice we suspect I could be lactose intolerant (or just have eaten too much cheese during training) so I'm not allowed to have any more & hopefully my tummy will soon feel better.

Molly's aunt called round briefly so I enjoyed saying hello to her. Then after a game of tug of war & some training with Molly, her & her dad took me out. We went to a new footpath alongside a field & I spent most of the walk off lead sniffing, exploring & playing with the fallen leaves.

I also did some good recall practise between Molly & her dad. Molly tried distracting me with food when necessary to stop me lunging & barking at things. It worked really well when a woman walked past but not so well when a dog came past - I just wanted to play with them!

Molly's dad fitted a new stair gate this evening because the wooden board across the hall won't stop me for much longer. I insisted on helping him but he wasn't so keen!

And I had fun playing with Molly's brother & my new fleecy blanket.

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