Thursday, 1 January 2015

Lots of socialising

Last night Molly's parents reported back about my experience with fireworks while she was out babysitting. They didn't hear any outside but they watched some on TV which I slept through. So Molly was impressed!

This morning we met Issy & Jess (& their mum) at the playing fields for a walk. When they stopped to feed the ducks on the pond I amused myself by eating duck poo. Everyone thinks it's disgusting but I like it! I met 6 other dogs on our walk - Molly said that lots of people must have made new year's resolutions involving dog walking! Molly hasn't made any as such but said she's going to try to give me as good a life as she can :) I think she's doing well, I'm a very happy puppy.

This afternoon Molly & her dad took me to somewhere they called a pub! I was very excited & a bit noisy when we went in because there were lots of people in there & I thought they might play with me. I soon settled down though.

On the way home we bumped into Saffie & her owners.

On both trips out we practised 'sit' with distractions around & I mostly did really well. I was too excited to sit when there were other dogs close by though. I sat when both Jess & Issy asked me to & when Molly asked me to in the pub. Molly is trying to reach me some manners so she now asks me to sit before she gives me food, comes through the stair gate to give me attention, opens the front door for us to go out on a walk etc. We're also continuing to work on some other commands at home while I get to grips with them.

This afternoon I had fun helping Molly's dad dig up carrots in the garden. I also watched a programme about wolves on TV. I barked at them a little bit but didn't join in with their howling - much to Molly's relief. A man on the TV tried to howl like a wolf & I thought he was rubbish!

Molly's dad suggested putting the stool that Molly sometimes sits on next to the end of the hall divider board when it's pulled back because he keeps tripping over it. This puts it in front of some of the shoes that live in the hallway. Molly discovered this morning that making the shoes less accessible makes them more attractive to me!

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