Sunday, 24 May 2015

Being helpful & waking Molly up

After I last updated my blog on Friday, Molly had to pop out to the library so I spent about 15 minutes on my own. Molly observed that I was starting to get a bit less clingy - I was happy to spend time playing alone in the garden & dozing in a neighbouring room, rather than at her feet. That evening we went on an hour long walk around the village. I barked at every single person & dog we saw! And when we got home I stubbornly stood outside the front door & refused to follow Molly inside because I didn't want my walk to end.

Yesterday morning when Molly got up I stole her place on the bed.

When she came downstairs after having a shower she found that I'd been helpful & moved some of her post from the letterbox to the middle of the living room floor. I was very good & didn't chew it though. Then she got a hammer & used it to break up some of my big fish treats to make them a better size for me.

When Molly did some jobs in the garden yesterday I tried my hardest to help her - I protected her from the scary hosepipe by repeatedly pouncing on it, drank from the end of the hose while she was watering the plants & tried to play with the chickens by throwing myself against their fence. I also really wanted to eat the chicken food but Molly wouldn't let me.

We did some more work on the new command Molly is trying to teach me. She thought I was starting to understand the command but then each time she asked me I just did "down" instead, oops! Molly knows I can hear but wonders if my hearing isn't particularly good because I often seem to struggle to differentiate between spoken commands & she wonders if sometimes I don't respond to my recall because I can't hear it. She'll ask the vet next time we're there.

After that Molly nipped out without me to buy a paper but then she came back & got me ready for a walk. I still make it hard for her though by running away when I see my harness. We walked round the corner to the postbox to post a couple of letters & give me chance to do a wee & then we got in the car. Molly said we were going to see her younger brother (I understand his name) so I wouldn't settle on the journey as I was too excited & kept looking out the window trying to spot him. When we arrived at his work I was so happy to see him for the first time since the previous Sunday & then he got in the car to come home with us! But first we went to a National Trust property for a walk round the park there. I did lots more barking at people & dogs. There were sheep in the park but although we kept away from them there was plenty of yummy poo for me to eat. When we got home Molly insisted on washing my beard & brushing my teeth!

Molly says I'm strange. We were in her bedroom together yesterday & I got bored so wandered off to explore. She later found me curled up on the bathroom floor - it was comfy! Molly apologises for the state of the bathroom in the photo, it's being redone in a few weeks.

Yesterday evening we went on a walk round the village. I found a dead bird but left it alone when Molly asked me too. She was really impressed because I tend to ignore that command when I've found any kind of meat.

Last night when Molly went up to bed I stayed downstairs because her younger brother was still awake. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up at 3.40am (Molly made a note of the time), realised I was all alone & ran upstairs to find some company. I was so relieved to see Molly that I gave her a really enthusiastic greeting. How was I supposed to know she wouldn't appreciate being woken up?! When she rolled away from me standing at the edge of the bed & licking her face, I jumped onto her head instead. Then when she got up to go to the toilet I stole her place in bed, hehe! And this morning I woke her up at 7.15am (by licking her face again) but she refused to get up til after 8am - she said it was too early!

Molly said we have visitors coming this afternoon for a few days so apparently I've got to be well behaved & not too excitable for the children. Hmmm. We're going to go on a walk soon to burn off some of my energy.

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