Friday, 8 May 2015

This and that

On Tuesday Molly got my tug of war rope out of the cupboard. It's a special toy because we only ever play with it together & it's always put away again afterwards. I hadn't seen it for over a month (since before Molly went into hospital) but I remembered it & got very excited as soon as I saw it.

Molly's dad took the carpet in the passage up this week because I kept chewing it (see previous post) & started bringing bits inside & trying to eat them. Oops!

On Wednesday my new collar arrived. It's very cheerful & fits me much better than my old one. Molly tried to take some photos of me wearing it but when she got down on my level I thought she wanted to play so jumped on her & gave her face (& camera!) a very thorough licking. She got a few photos though.

And then she took a few more when I flopped

That morning Molly had to have a blood test at her local hospital so her dad took me for a walk in the grounds while she was doing that. I wasn't very happy when Molly walked away from the car in a different direction from us though so once I was let off my lead I kept running back towards the car to try to find her!

After that we went to the vets. I'm still not very keen after they insisted on taking my temperature on one of my previous visits there. After tempting me into the treatment room & putting me on the table I immediately jumped off. Luckily I wasn't hurt despite the height & landing on a hard floor. I calmed down a bit after that & was well behaved to let the nurse clip my nails (Molly said we'll go back again next time they need doing because I'm too wriggly at home) & check my mouth (I've finished teething now). Then Molly & her dad needed to do some errands in town (including Molly buying some new slippers so she doesn't fall down the stairs again!) so I went with them.

Yesterday Molly & her mum went to vote so they took me with them. We met quite a few people who fussed me. After that we went to the park & Molly decided to let me off the lead because the only other dog was too far away for me to want to play with -  or so Molly thought! As soon as I saw the dog I shot off to play with him & ignored Molly when she called "Toto come". She knows chasing me isn't a good idea but this was a grumpy dog (who I had a run in with the other week) with an elderly owner & Molly knew I wouldn't return to her until I'd said hello. She didn't catch up with me before I got there but luckily the other dog didn't hurt me. Then Molly slipped over on the grass in the rain so I ran back to her to check she was ok! Molly said now she knows what to do when I ignore her recall! She put me back on the lead until we were away from the other dog but let me off again in time for me to explore as we walked round the pond. Apparently I now might have to be kept on a long lead when there are other dogs around. I don't like the sound of that!

Molly's dad looked after me yesterday afternoon while she went out to see some friends. When she got back she noticed I'd got some very knotted fur in my beard where a burr had got tangled in it. She couldn't untangle it so had to cut it out! I was very wriggly which made her job quite difficult. Then Kate & Libby called round - children are so exciting! I calmed down relatively quickly though.

Yesterday evening we went for a little walk round the local streets & to a small field where I could be off-lead. Molly picked up one of my poos & put it in her pocket (inside a poo bag of course) with one of my two treat bags. When she later went to get a treat out for me she got dog poo all over her hand & isn't quite sure how it happened! The treat bag & her coat pocket needed a thorough wash when got home.

Today Molly had to spend quite a long time at the hospital & her mum had to take her because she's not allowed to drive at the moment. Molly's dad and brother were at work so I had to stay at home on my own for longer than I ever had before. I had a short walk round the nearby streets beforehand (at 7am which is early for both me & Molly!) & a nice neighbour called in to see me (& play with me & feed me) three times so I didn't get too lonely. Molly also left me a chicken foot to eat, yum!

And here are a few photos of me trying to show Molly's mum how much I love her.

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