Friday, 1 May 2015

Together again

Molly came home on Wednesday! I was so excited to see her when she came in the door that I jumped all over her, licked her thoroughly & even knocked her glasses off in my enthusiasm!

I'm not a particularly snuggly dog but have been keeping a close eye on Molly to make sure she doesn't disappear again. When she comes downstairs every morning I'm so pleased to see her & have to make sure she knows it! And this morning she was pleased when I briefly dozed on her legs.

A bit later in the morning Molly's mum took this photo of me dozing because my ear made her & Molly laugh!

Then Molly took me out for the first walk since she's been home (don't worry, other members of the family walked me yesterday) & her mum joined us too. I had lots of fun exploring & following scents near a local reservoir. Molly can't believe how much I've matured since she went into hospital but then I reminded her that I'm still an excitable puppy by trying to play with a jogger! Molly found it funny when I tried (& failed) to mark most of the trees we passed. I wasn't doing that a month ago. Here are some photos from our adventure.

^ I found a glove!

^ Molly insisted on taking this photo because I used to be a wimp when it came to water & getting my feet wet but today I drank from this muddy stream & then crossed it.

^ Investigating a rabbit hole. I wasn't particularly interested in potential rabbits, I was trying to find rabbit poo, yum!

And here are a few photos from walks that I went on with Molly's mum while Molly was away.

^ Molly thinks I'll be good at agility when I'm old enough

On the walk that the last four photos were taken on, I met a man walking along eating a packed lunch. I know I usually get rewarded with food for obeying commands, so I went through my repertoire of "sit", "down", "come" etc (with no prompting!) in the hope of earning some. Unfortunately it didn't work.

Regarding food, I'm no longer shut out of the dining room when everyone else eats. I know I never get people food so tend to just sleep under the table while they eat - and then I vaccuum the floor when they've finished!

This afternoon Molly & her mum popped out for 35mins & left me in the house alone. I was very well behaved & just waited calmly behind the front door for them to return. I don't use my crate in the house any more & am trusted with free run of downstairs when I'm left alone. The only thing I ever destroy is post. Oh & the occassional newspaper!

Since Molly went into hospital her dad fitted a dog flap in the back door so when I'm home alone (or with everyone here) I can go in & out as I please. It's brilliant because I love being outside & now I don't have to wait for someone to let me out. While Molly was away she missed my attempts at trying to get out the dog flap with a fully inflated balloon in my mouth - it didn't work!

I still try to play with everyone & everything I meet. This isn't always successful though. A few days ago another dog growled at me at the park because he didn't want to play & I did. Apparently that was a sign I should have left him alone but I wasn't deterred. Luckily I didn't get hurt. I also tried to play with a baby robin I found in the garden. I didn't mean to kill it :(

I'll be 7 months old on Sunday! Molly weighed me yesterday & I now weigh an impressive 8.2kg & haven't finished growing yet. Apparently I'm quite big for a miniature schnauzer but I always have been & I'm not overweight.

Ooh, I forgot to tell you that I wrestled a panda on Wednesday!

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