Sunday, 20 September 2015

Comfort, food & mischief

A few people have said to Molly that they preferred me before I was clipped but Molly knows it wasn't fair to have my coat like that while she wasn't well enough to maintain it. My new haircut has made me much more comfortable, Molly didn't realise how much the matts had been restricting my movement. She says I'm very springy & much happier now. I've been a bit chillier though since I was clipped so have been more cuddly than usual & sleep on Molly's bed more often now.

Molly carefully worked out the last couple of matts on my paws which had been missed when I was clipped. There are still some matts in my beard though & she doesn't know how to get them out because I'm not very cooperative. When I go out chasing rabbits across fields & through hedges much less plant material sticks to me now & Molly can easily remove the small amount that does. Last night I had great fun on my walk because there were geese to chase & they even left me poo to eat! Yum!

Talking of food, I tried a chip for the first time a few days ago when Molly's dad dropped one on the floor. After that I sat & then slept at his feet while he ate in the hope that more would fall from the sky but unfortunately it didn't. Molly couldn't manage all of her fish that night so she scraped the batter off & I had it for tea the following night!

I've shown Molly I can do a "wait" for the whole length of the staircase - aren't I clever! I've become very lazy doing "down"s again though, I try to see how little I can move & still get a treat! Molly doesn't reward me though unless I do it properly.

Molly's mum is a keen knitter & she's been using some exciting orange fluffy yarn recently which I've been very keen to play with. She usually keeps it out of my reach but I did manage to grab it & run off with it the other day. I also surprised her when I helped myself to some yarn off a shelf that no-one realised I could reach!

On the subject of causing mischief, I pulled the toilet roll off the holder again while I was home alone, hehe! And when the online shopping was delivered Molly's mum very kindly left a packet of kitchen rolls within my reach while she was distracted putting the rest of the purchases away. Can you guess what happened?

I also found a big bunch of stones in the garden so enjoyed dragging those around. They were surprisingly heavy. Sorry the photos are a bit blurry, they're action shots!

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