Saturday, 12 September 2015

Waiting, food & cuddles

I've been practising "wait" with Molly, her younger brother & her dad this week. I'm getting good at it, even when they go out of my sight, but if they're gone for too long I go & look for them before they call me. I don't get food as a reward though if I do that. Molly has been continuing some other bits of training with me too but I still get "sit" & "down" confused at times.

If Molly isn't well enough to come downstairs she gives me meals in my Kong Wobbler upstairs instead. There's too many bits of furniture I could get my kibble stuck under in Molly's bedroom so I have it in her parents' room instead. The furniture there is further off the floor so my kibble doesn't get stuck but sometimes the whole Kong does. When it does I just do something else & hope Molly will come & rescue it for me. I was also surprisingly patient when a piece of kibble blocked the hole in my Kong so it all stopped coming out. Rather than getting Molly to help me I just lay down next to it & waited. It was a while til Molly realised I needed her help.

I'm back to eating normally now, in fact sometimes I'm very over enthusiastic & throw myself at the Kong Wobbler. A few days ago I had my monthly flea tablet without any fuss, I like the taste of it.

When a physio came out to see Molly at home she gave me a pizzle to keep me out of mischief, yum yum! And I helped myself to a corn on the cob I found in a carrier bag on the garden table. I wasn't allowed to eat it though, humph!

I'm still hit & miss with cooperating with being groomed. I did make Molly laugh one day when I buried my head in her elbow in the hope she'd go away. She didn't! And putting my paws over my eyes doesn't work either. I was also well behaved when I had a feather to chew as a distraction but sometimes I just get fed up & mouth Molly or walk away.

One evening while Molly's parents were away she spoke to them on the phone but had it on speakerphone. I didn't recognise her mum's voice because it sounded different but I was a bit confused when her dad made some funny noises down the phone!

While Molly's parents were away I had some walks with the neighbours. They walked me for longer than I'm used to so that tired me out. I really enjoyed those walks though. Molly's younger brother has been around more than usual this week & her older brother has too so I've had lots of fun playing with them. Molly was very surprised & touched that even when her older brother was sleeping downstairs I still chose to sleep on her bedroom floor. Of course I did, that's where I feel safest at night & I can keep an eye on Molly too.

A couple of times this week I've stolen Molly's warm spot in her bed when she's moved, hehe.

We had some good cuddles one day with me on the bed & Molly on the floor next to it! And I sometimes curl up & sleep on Molly's foot when she's sitting on the sofa downstairs, usually watching TV.

Talking of TV, Molly has discovered that I'm not at all fussed when she watches animal programmes & I don't react at all. I don't know why she was surprised - I know they're not real!

I've been home alone again since the last blog post & this time I didn't make any mess. Molly left me a chicken foot but I only ate half of it (for the second time) so she's wondering if I've gone off them. I still give really enthusiastic welcomes when Molly returns home.

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