Saturday, 5 September 2015

Worrying Molly

This morning I just wasn't myself. I was quiet, cuddly (which is very unlike me!), barely touched my breakfast, kept sitting or standing & staring into space & had an unusually wet nose. Molly phoned the vets for advice & they suggested that we visited so a friend kindly gave us a lift.

I was very well behaved travelling in a different car than I'm used to & then perked up just before my appt. I marked a chair in the waiting rooms room (I couldn't leave it to smell of another dog!) & tried to say hello to all the other dogs I saw. When Molly wouldn't let me I squeaked & squeaked!

We saw a nice vet (well I thought he was nice until he took my temperature!) & he couldn't find anything obviously wrong. He said he wondered if dogs got headaches & also said to Molly that I could potentially be developing a urine infection, so to keep an eye on me. We left with the plan that Molly would phone them over the weekend if I got any worse & if I was no better at the start of next week then I'd return for some blood tests.

I slept for quite a while when we got home but then when I woke up I was feeling much better. I showed Molly this by eating most of my tea, barking to alert her when some people walked past the front door, whining at her younger brother's (shut) bedroom door to try to persuade him to come out & play with me, giving Molly's face a thorough licking, presenting Molly with my toys to encourage her to play with me & doing a good short training session (including an excellent "wait" while Molly went into another room out of my sight) to earn some food rewards.

And tonight I had a little walk with Molly's younger brother. We weren't out for long but it was quite eventful. I tried to escape off the little field under the gate (onto the road!) but stopped when Molly's brother shouted at me to. And on the playing fields I ran off to say "hello" to some people. Molly's brother didn't call me back as he recognised their voices & knew who they were but they were surprised by me appearing out of the dark, hehe! Talking of the dark, the light on my collar is getting dimmer so Molly needs to buy a new one soon. Annoyingly she didn't realise this when she was at the vets today which is where she usually buys them.

forgot to tell you in my last blog post that I discovered that Molly's mum had left some exciting things in bags & on top of boxes on the floor for me to play with. I found a camera in a felted case which I pulled out by the strap & then ran round the house with it swinging from my mouth until I was spotted! I also found a teapot with a knitted tea cosy on it so I took the cosy off & settled down to chew it.

Yesterday morning I had fun playing with several other dogs on the playing fields when Molly's dad took me out. Molly hopes she'll be able to come with us soon. I hope so too.

Later in the day a couple of Molly's friends called round. I hadn't seen them for a few weeks so forgot they were friends & initially tried to scare them off by barking at them. It didn't work though & Molly reminded me that they were friends so I soon settled down & was really well behaved. Usually I'm very excitable when children come round but Molly said I was brilliant with the 3 year old yesterday. Molly did have to warn her not to lie on the floor though because I think when people do that it's an invitation for me to jump on them to play!

I was very excited when Molly's younger brother came home from work yesterday evening & then took me out for a walk. He then went out again so I was very relieved when he came back a few hours later - so much so that I woke Molly up with my barking, oops!

And here are a couple of photos from yesterday. Molly sat down at the table to eat & then couldn't find me. She looked all round the house - checking the obvious places like the floor & the seats of the sofas & chairs, but it took her a while to notice me here:

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