Sunday, 1 February 2015

Chickens & mud

Yesterday afternoon I wasn't very well behaved on my walk, I pulled constantly on the lead. We've been working on this on every walk for 4 or 5 weeks now but I'm still not making any improvements. Everything is just so exciting!

Last night Molly went out babysitting so the rest of her family looked after me. I've started to get the hang of playing fetch with Molly's brother! I'm not quite there yet but last night I showed the most potential I ever have so we'll see if we can develop that. Molly also tried it with me today.

I've also started taking myself voluntarily into my crate to sleep. I used to do this but stopped for the last couple of weeks so Molly is pleased I've started to do it again. She hasn't seen me do it yet though so wonders if I might only do it when she's out.

This morning I woke Molly up slightly earlier than usual & because she'd had a late night babysitting she had to go back to bed for a bit once her parents got up. We had some good cuddles together though.

While Molly was in bed I was helping her dad clean out the chickens in the garden & they escaped! Molly's dad quickly put me on my lead (although attached to my collar, which I don't like, because I didn't have my harness on) so I could meet them without causing them any harm. I tried to chase them a bit but that was just because I wanted to play with them. Overall Molly's parents said I behaved better than they expected. Red was the only chicken who stood up to me, she can be a bit scary sometimes!

This afternoon Molly & her dad took me for a walk in some local woods. I'd never been there before. It was really muddy but I had a lot of fun exploring & practising my recall, which I was very good at, even when I couldn't see Molly! Molly didn't manage to take any photos of the muddiest parts because she was too busy concentrating on where she was putting her feet so she didn't fall over!

I hope you can spot me in the last two photos above, I'm the black speck in the distance! Molly & her dad were very impressed that I was confident enough to run ahead but kept checking back in with them regularly.

When we got home I was put straight in the bath, urgh!

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