Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Training, being stubborn & Tornado toy

Yesterday afternoon Molly took me to a one-to-one training session. The lady we saw was lovely, Molly found it really helpful & I had lots of fun. We arrived a bit early so I even got to have a walk somewhere new first. This is a church we spotted on our wander.

We were both very tired after that so slept on the sofa together. Then Molly's dad took me out for another walk before I quietened down for the night. Molly says I'm a pillow hogger!

I was really stubborn when Molly took me for a walk this morning - I refused to leave an animal carcass I found (I don't know why she thought I'd give up something so valuable!), barked at all the people & dogs I saw (& paid no attention to Molly's attempts to distract me, even an exciting new toy that I couldn't resist yesterday), ignored Molly's commands unless I could see that she had food, refused to move on a few occasions, wouldn't leave exciting scents alone...

Molly had to go out this afternoon & evening but in between she introduced me to a new interactive toy. She was surprised at how quickly I picked up the basics, but I wasn't - I'm very determined when there's food involved!

I couldn't work out how to get at the food when Molly made it more complicated but perhaps I will next time.

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