Thursday, 12 February 2015

Falling into the pond & sleeping on Molly's head!

Molly went up to bed early (9pm ish) on Tuesday evening & then I didn't see her again til she got home after 3pm yesterday! She'd snuck out the house at 5.30am while I was still asleep! I like mornings but not enough to get up at that kind of time! Silly Molly! I missed her while she was gone but did have fun with her dad who was looking after me.

Molly's dad took me on a walk to the village playing fields & pond. I did really well at greeting & playing with a few other dogs off lead. I was running across some green stuff that I thought was grass & then suddenly I got all wet! Apparently it was algae on the pond. I didn't like that very much & got out as quickly as I could! Molly's dad told her that I looked very funny covered in green stuff but he didn't think to take a photo - phew! I felt very silly! On the way home I found a new treasure - a plastic cup. I very proudly carried it along with us & Molly's dad laughed when my whole snout disappeared inside it.

Molly was quite tired when she got home yesterday afternoon but we still has a nice time together.

Over the last few weeks I haven't always been responding to the command "sit" so one of the trainers from puppy class told Molly to go back to rewarding me with treats every time I do it. Molly always asks me to sit before I get to go out the back door & hadn't been rewarding me with treats recently because she thought getting to go out was a reward in itself. Once she started reintroducing treats I quickly learnt that if I went to the back door (even if I didn't need/want to go out) I could get a treat for doing a "sit" & then stay inside & play. Hehe :P The treats there have now stopped again, humph!

I had to do some training with Molly to earn my tea last night. I'm still not linking verbal commands with actions so Molly is trying to teach me to respond to gestures instead/as well. She thought I did well last night but wasn't sure if that was because I thought she'd got food in her hands. So we'll see how that goes.

Molly's older brother came to visit yesterday evening which was very exciting! He gave me lots of fuss but wasn't too happy when I tried to lick his face, oops! I was just trying to show him how much I loved him!

I kept bringing empty plastic flowerpots in from the garden but it took everyone a while to work out where I was getting them from! I liked chewing them but Molly was worried I'm going to hurt myself doing that so they've all been moved now. I let Molly look in my mouth last night & she saw her swollen my gums are because I'm teething. So now she can better understand why I'm chewing lots of things.

Talking of the garden, Molly's dad cut down lots of ivy a few days ago but didn't think to clear it up. Apparently ivy can be poisonous to dogs so Molly has had quite a struggle trying to stop me from eating it when I go outside. Her mum has tidied it all up now to keep me safe.

Here are a couple of photos Molly took of me & her dad together yesterday evening.

To try to distract me from chewing up the flowerpots this morning Molly gave me a new toy! I think I'm going to be allowed to play with it in the garden (most of my toys aren't allowed outside in case I lose them, bury them or get them covered in mud) but Molly wants to make sure it'll stand up to my chewing first. So I've been testing it out in the house. It even squeaks!

Molly hasn't been feeling very well so far today so I looked after her when she lay down on the sofa for a rest. Molly would like you know that this position was completely my own choice & I did actually fall asleep on her head!

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