Saturday, 14 February 2015

Fun with Meg

This morning I woke Molly up earlier than usual. She got up quickly just in case I was desperate for a wee, let me out into the garden & we started our morning routine. Less than 20mins later I went back to sleep while Molly was up for the day, hehe! Slightly later on I curled up on Molly & her laptop while she watched TV.

Then we went out on a walk. It was one of our normal routes but my friend Meg & her owner Emma joined us which made it more fun! Here are a couple of photos of me & Meg zooming around & then a couple of me on my own.

When we got home Molly insisted on giving me a bath because she said I was muddy & smelly! After that she spent a while picking burrs out of my fur (I tried to help her but she said it made her job more difficult) & brushing me. Then we had a fun game of chase together.

This afternoon I rested & slept on the sofa in Molly's bedroom for a bit while she watched some TV. Then her parents kept an eye on me while she had a nod. Tonight she's gone out babysitting so I won't see her again until the morning. She said we've got another walk planed with one of my friends tomorrow so I'm looking forward to that.

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