Friday, 13 March 2015

Food, play & grooming

Yesterday after lunch Molly insisted on baking a cake so I had to wait longer for a walk. She even put carrots in the cake - watching her grate them was torture! She did give me a few little pieces though because she was worried she'd grate her fingers. After that I hung around her feet in the hope that some food would fall from the sky but it didn't!

Then I went out into the garden to amuse myself. I wanted to play with the chickens but couldn't get through their secure fence, despite throwing my whole weight at it & doing lots of barking!

While the cake was cooking Molly played tug-of-war with me & we did some training together.

Eventually the cake was done so we could go out to the park. I was full of energy because I'd not yet been out for a walk so I pulled Molly along & was too distracted to focus on her when we tried some "stay close" training. But I did greet a passer by calmly when I was off-lead around the pond, didn't bark at a few (moving) bicycles we saw & was successful distracted from a few dogs & pedestrians that passed us on the pavement. We collected Molly's mum from work on our way. We met a nice lady & her daughter who said they were thinking of getting a dog so Molly & her mum sung my praises & tried to encourage them to get a miniature schnauzer!

Yesterday evening when I was having my tea I got my Kong Wobbler stuck under a stool in the kitchen. Rather than helping me out Molly & her family just laughed at me & took photos!

Maybe if I stare at it it'll come out!

I got it out eventually.

Later in the evening Molly just took me for a little walk because she didn't feel very well. She was really impressed with my "leave it"s while we were out.

Last night I slept in front of Molly's bedroom door again until she moved me to get out the room. I woke at 6.30am this morning but we didn't get up til 7.30am when I heard something outside & barked & barked & barked.

I now weigh 7.3kg which is almost the same as I weighed last week (7.2kg) so my growth seems to have slowed for now. Molly isn't worried though because I'm already quite big for a miniature schnauzer.

This morning Molly's mum cut up some of my dried fish skin treats to make them go a bit further. When she'd finished she put the chopping board on the kitchen floor so I could eat all the little bits that had broken off, yum! Molly wasn't very impressed though because I got them all stuck in my beard & she had the job of removing them which I didn't co-operate with!

Molly also attempted to groom me this morning but again I wasn't very helpful. She says I'm going to have to get used to it though.

Here's a photo Molly took of me relaxing yesterday.

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