Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Lonely, poo & a tooth!

Hospital keep stealing Molly from me :( She was out for about 4 hours yesterday, expects to be out for several hours today & doesn't know what's ahead regarding more appointments. She's trying to make it up to me though by scheduling lots of exciting social things for us to do together over the next few weeks. And she's also making sure I get regular walks around everything else that's going on.

Yesterday afternoon we went to a local nature reserve. I was really lively, bouncy & excitable & as a result my listening to Molly was a bit hit & miss. I did have fun though & enjoyed playing with some other dogs. Here are a few photos Molly took.

Yesterday evening we just had a pavement walk in the village but I did have a little run off lead at a local small field. Molly said I was a terror - I did a lot of following/finding scents & being very stubborn when Molly tried to pull me away, I barked & barked & barked when I saw another dog (despite Molly trying to distract me with food), I did lots of scavenging & I disgusted Molly by eating another dog's poo (which I'd never done before)! It did taste nice though!

I'm starting to sit automatically at the back door sometimes when I want to go out & usually sit automatically at kerbs now before we cross the road.

Yesterday Molly found one of my baby teeth on the carpet. I really don't understand why she was so excited about it!

Molly thought you might like to see these two photos of me relaxing, both taken yesterday evening.

 Squished up because the silly sofa got in my way
 Stretched out

And I posed for Molly yesterday morning so she had a nice photo to show anyone at the hospital who asked about me.

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