Thursday, 26 March 2015


Hospital stole Molly from me on Monday evening & didn't give her back til today! And she might have to return to hospital again soon. Humph! The rest of the family looked after me really well but I missed Molly a lot. Every time a car parked on the drive (especially Molly's, which her mum borrowed) I got really excited anticipating Molly's return & then was very disappointed when someone else came in the door. I even ran out of the house on one occasion to check she wasn't behind them. I slept by the front door a lot to make sure I didn't miss Molly when she came back.

Molly said she was really impressed by how I behaved for the rest of her family. I usually sleep in her bedroom (I'm allowed on her bed but prefer the sofa or floor) so she was worried what I'd be like at night without her there. But I just slept downstairs (un-crated!) alone every night with no fuss.

I tricked both Molly's dad & mum yesterday morning when I slept curled up in the corner of the sofa. When they both came downstairs separately they were surprised I didn't greet them (I was tired!), didn't notice me & then got worried where I was! Hehe :P I had to get up & go to see Molly's dad but Molly's mum eventually spotted me.

I had lots of fun going on walks, especially with Molly's younger brother. And together we kept up some of my training too - I'm getting really good at "stay close" with him.

I've also been spending bits of time 'alone' because Molly's parents sometimes had to both go out (usually one to work & one to visit her) before her younger brother got up. When I get too lonely I wake her brother up by making a noise but I'm ok for about 45mins on my own now which is great progress in the right direction.

Yesterday when I was alone someone posted a missed parcel delivery card through the letterbox. Apparently I shouldn't have torn it up & eaten the majority of it, whoops! Now Molly's dad doesn't know how to get hold of his parcel!

I'm so happy Molly is home. I'm too independent to be clingy but I've had some nice cuddles & am keeping a close eye on her to make sure she doesn't disappear again!

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