Sunday, 29 March 2015

More mischief & fun

On Thursday evening Molly's older brother came round which I was very happy about. I didn't have any excitement related accidents this time!

When Molly's mum was sorting some washing out the other day I tried to run off with one of the items. That reminded Molly's mum to tell Molly that I'd run off with & chewed a pair of her knickers while she was away! So Molly is now keeping an eye out for a pair with holes in them. Oops!

No-one brushed my teeth while Molly was away but she's done it a couple of times since she got back. I still really enjoy it - I get all bouncy & excited when Molly gets the toothbrush & toothpaste out & sulk when she puts them away. Molly thinks I'm strange for enjoying it so much but suspects the meat flavoured toothpaste helps!

I also had my beard washed on Thursday evening because it gets a bit smelly from everything I eat & all the sniffing & scavenging I do. It hasn't been washed again since then but Molly said I'm going to have a bath later today, eek! I don't smell too much but I do look really scruffy.

Molly left the stairgate open on purpose the other day & waited at the bottom because she wanted to see how I went up a couple of steps. She knows I can do it but hadn't seen me do it before & was intrigued as to how I was doing it because I made such a noise last time. I sniffed around & pretended to be really hesistant before shooting up the whole staircase, often 2 steps at a time, much too quickly for Molly to catch me! Hehe! Now she's making sure to keep the stairgate shut! She said when I'm fully grown I can use the stairs but she'll need to make sure I can get down them safely. The vet said I should be fully grown at 8 or 9 months so not long to go now. After that my exercise/walk restrictions will be able to be lifted as well.

On Friday morning Molly weighed me & I was 7.8kg. Molly was surprised that I'd put on so much weight in a week but I didn't tell her that it was because her Dad & brother had been overfeeding me, haha! Now she's back I'm getting normal amounts of food & treats again, humph!

That morning I annoyed Molly's mum, who was doing some gardening, by stealing various things from the greenhouse & running round the garden with them.

Later that day I waited patiently in the car with Molly while her younger brother popped into town. Then we all went on a nice walk around some fields & into the country park.

We had a race to see who was faster - me or Molly's brother. I won!

Yesterday I 'helped' Molly's dad in the garden for ages which was good fun. And he took me for a walk in the dark last night.

Molly hasn't been very well over the last few days but she was especially poorly yesterday. So I was more cuddly than usual which cheered her up.

We were supposed to go to a schnauzer walk this afternoon but Molly isn't well enough. She's hoping to take me next month though. However we did go out (just by ourselves) to the countryside at the edge of the village where we had a walk along the track there to the bridge.

Molly said the moment she captured in the photo just above made her laugh. I like to investigate everything but am not keen on water so as soon as I realised that I was heading towards a river I did a very suddent turn!

We were only out for half an hour but met 7 other dogs! Molly said I was very good at greeting & playing with them. Apparently I shouldn't have mugged my favourite dog walker for the liver cake I know she carries, but she didn't mind!

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