Monday, 23 March 2015

Walk photos

I forgot to tell you in previous posts that I now know Molly's name. If anyone verbally suggests she's coming into the house or coming downstairs then I get really excited & I can also find her when I'm asked to.

Yesterday morning Molly took me round the fields on the edge of the village for a nice walk. I met a few people who made a fuss of me & a friendly dog. The dog's owner gave me some liver cake (initially one piece but then I mugged her for another, hehe) so she's my best friend now!

Later when Molly was playing with me at home she discovered that blowing a raspberry in the air near my face sends me into a licking frenzy. She found it very entertaining.

We had a busy afternoon with Molly's younger brother. Firstly we went for a walk in some nearby woods which was very exciting! I got stuck in some thorns though so had to be rescued. When we encountered some more Molly's brother thoughtfully carried me.

Then we visited Molly's nan. She hoped for some cuddles but I wouldn't settle on her lap that time. I got frustrated when I saw another dog in the mirror but couldn't get him to play with me.

After that Molly & her brother decided to get fish & chips but because I was with them they got the food to take home. I was very patient waiting in the car with Molly while her brother ordered & waited for the food in the shop. Then I had my tea too when we all got home.

Last night Molly brushed my teeth again. I love the toothpaste she uses so was very disappointed when she stopped & put it away! I sat & stared at her for a while but she didn't get it out again. Humph.

This morning Molly left me alone while she went for a blood test. I was very good for about 45 minutes but then woke her brother up with my whining/almost howling. I was lonely & didn't know he was here. He came down to see me & then I settled again until Molly came home about 15mins later.

Later in the morning Molly took me out in the car. I thought we were going for a walk but instead she took me to the vets! I was quite nervous (especially of the weighing scales for some unknown reason) after Molly left me there last month but I soon came round with some treats.

Then we did for for a walk at the nearby country park. I had lots of fun exploring & recalled away from distractions (although sometimes Molly had to call me a couple of times).

Molly took this photo because I'm getting more confident/happier with mud

^ These two photos are our favourites

Molly's brother vacuumed downstairs today. I ran away from it but didn't look scared so they weren't sure what I thought of it. I was very happy to approach it when it was turned off & still though.

This afternoon Kate & Libby came round. I was too manic when they first arrived & kept jumping up at little Libby & trying to lick her so I had to have a rest in my crate. I was better behaved after that.

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