I've recently realised that I can climb on top of & sit on the stool that Molly sometimes sits on to play with me/give me attention & from there I can see more, including over the hall divider to the front door.
Today we've had two walks round the village. Before lunch we went on a new route where we met some friendly people & I said hello to another dog. This evening we went to the Scout Hut field again but I barked at another dog I saw because I wanted to play. Molly took some toys with her this evening but I wasn't interested in them while we were out because there were too many other distrations. On both walks Molly took some treats with us so we practised my 'sit's & Molly encouraged me to follow her when I got distracted sniffing. Molly was impressed with how well I listened to her.
I've eaten all my meals out of various Kong toys again today. At lunch time I didn't finish all my food because I was tired & a bit full from the treats I'd had while we were out but this evening I was very determined to get as much food out as I possibly could.
We did a few training sessions today & Molly said I'm doing well. We're currently working on a few different things but we're in the early stages with most of them. I'm getting good at sitting when there are distractions around me though. I like training because I get lots of treats!
I've also done some playing with various members of the family today & a lot of sleeping.
This position made Molly laugh, she said it can't have been comfortable because I looked like I was about to fall off the chair!
And this was me claiming the chair as my own. Molly was originally sharing it with me but when she got up to answer the phone, I sprawled out.
And Molly took the two photos above because she was surprised to see me cuddled up with my teddy as I usually prefer chasing it, shaking it & chewing it - she said that you can tell I'm a terrier!
I have also caused some chaos today. I've done various shoe stealing & chewing like I usually do. I pulled Molly's mum's handbag off a chair & stole her chewing gum & lipsalve so she had to chase me to get them back. I hadn't paid any attention to the Christmas tree over the last week but today I noticed it & had fun trying to bat the baubles & chew the tree itself. And when Molly & her mum sat down to do a crossword I tried to help them.
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