Monday, 1 December 2014

A sleepy day

I've mostly been a good puppy today. Although having said that I've had a very sleepy day so haven't been awake enough to get much chance to get into mischief! This morning I let Molly get on with some odd jobs in the kitchen without pestering her for attention - I alternated between playing with my toys by myself & sitting quietly watching her. I also did the best signalling I've ever done that I needed to go outside to the toilet - I didn't whine or just walk near the back door, I sat down right in front of the door & waited for Molly to let me out. And when we went out on a trip to a local garden centre I didn't whine in the car at all & was very relaxed while we were there - so much so that I fell asleep! Molly took me up to her bedroom this evening & I slept on her lap while she watched some TV. Now she knows I can go about 2 hours between toilet trips (& give reliable signals when I do need to go) during the day it means we've got more freedom with where I can go etc. And I learnt to use a (puppy) Kong tonight (after failing to get the hang of it a couple of days ago) so Molly was very proud of me & is going to come up with more ideas for using it.

I have been a bit naughty today though - I've been doing lots of nipping & biting at Molly & her mum's jeans. So far nothing seems to stop me doing it. It mainly happens when I've got lots of energy/am very excited so this evening Molly's dad took me out into the garden to let off some steam. I love exploring out there & found myself a carrot today! I'd never tried one before but I really enjoyed eating it & it kept me amused for a long time.

Molly sent my breeders an update on my progress this morning. They quickly got back to her & said they were pleased to hear that I've settled in so well.

Sorry this is a bit blurry (I don't stay still) but Molly thought it was a cute photo of me
Can you see me peeping?
Molly finds the odd positions I sleep in very amusing, she can't understand how I could possibly be comfortable!

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