Sunday, 28 December 2014

Play, Kongs & Saffie

Yesterday evening I had fun playing with Molly's dad. He made a tunnel out of a big sheet of cardboard & tried to tempt me through it with my skunk toy attached to a piece of string. I wasn't interested in his plan though, all I wanted to do was chew the cardboard.

I have been showing my agility potential today though by chasing a toy under and over Molly's brother's legs.

In my last blog post I mentioned how Molly said I was clever. Well last night I did something else that I thought was extremely clever, although I don't think Molly agreed. Molly's dad made a divider across the hallway with a piece of wood to help keep me off the carpeted areas when neccessary. It goes right up to the radiator on the wall but there's a little gap under there. It's too small for me to fit through but I discovered yesterday that if I squeeze into the gap & wriggle, the board moves slightly & I can get through! So I couldn't be contained & caused lots of chaos with free reign of the house when I was hyper, having zoomies & chewing everything! Today Molly's dad adjusted the board though so I can't do that any longer. Never mind, I'll be able to get over it soon.

Last night I went to bed a bit earlier than usual so Molly could relax for a bit longer before she went to bed. I went to bed without any fuss again & would have slept for longer this morning if I hadn't heard people come downstairs.

Molly often struggles with me first thing in the mornings when she's the only one awake & I'm really hyper. She finds it hard to play with me during this period because I tend to nip in my excitement. Today Molly came up with a new plan to help me use up some of this excess energy in the mornings & we both like it. I now have my breakfast in Kong toys, rather than out of a normal bowl. This slows down my eating & makes me use my brain as well as making me use more energy. And it's good fun! When I originally tried my Kong toys a few weeks ago I didn't really understand how to get the food out of them but I certainly got the hang of them today & enjoyed rolling them round the kitchen floor. Molly also fed me my lunch & tea in them but isn't sure if she'll do that every day.

This morning we went out to visit Molly's friend Naomi & her lurcher Saffie. I couldn't believe how big Saffie was & how loud her bark was compared to my little bark! I was very confident exploring a new house & garden & getting to know Saffie. We're hoping to go for a walk together in the next couple of weeks.


This afternoon Molly took me for a walk to the local petrol station. I did lots of barking to make sure everyone knew I was there. I thought they might miss me otherwise because I'm so small. Apparently this embarrassed Molly a bit, oops! Molly also went out without me this evening & came back smelling of another dog!

We didn't do much training over Christmas but Molly said we're going to start doing it daily again now. We didn't practise recall today but we did do some work on 'sit' & 'leave it' & I started to learn 'bed'. I'll do anything for food but am not so keen if I can't see a treat. I also let Molly brush me today without trying to chew the brush as much as I usually do because she distracted me with treats.

This evening Molly played tug of war with me again. I love playing with ropes (& string & other things like that) so we had a lot of fun.

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