Thursday, 4 December 2014

More socialising and a new friend

Just after we wrote that last blog post I stopped making a fuss & fell back asleep. I woke up for good at 6.15am but at least Molly was able to get a bit more sleep before then. I was a bit nippy first thing but Molly helped me channel it into chewing my pig's ear. I also tried some celery this morning - Molly & her younger brother were entertained by how long it took me to eat such a tiny piece. Then I dozed off on Molly's lap. She said I'm like a furry hot water bottle.

When Molly's mum woke up she looked after me for a couple of hours so Molly could have some more sleep.

We've had quite a busy day since Molly got up again. We went to the village shop (& another local shop) but walked a slightly different route this time. Then I went in the car to take Molly's mum to work in a local town. While we were there we popped into Molly's mum's place of work to see her colleagues & walked round the market square. On the way home we called into the village library briefly to see the people there.

Then after a sleep, Molly's friend Emma came round with her dog Meg. I was unsure to start with & did a bit of barking & growling but it wasn't long til we were tearing round the garden together having lots of fun. Meg wasn't too impressed when I tried to mount her though, oops!

Molly tried to take some photos of me & Meg playing together but it was cold, dark & raining, my fur is black (so I'm hard to see & photograph, particularly in the dark), Molly wanted to get both of us in the same photo & we rarely stayed still so she found it quite a challenge. This was the best of the photos she took.

This is a photo she took of me in the garden earlier when I was being very stubborn & ignoring her because the bean pod I found was more interesting.

And here are some photos Molly took of me when I joined the family on the sofa to watch some TV. In the first one I'm watching calmly but the next few show a sequence of me investigating Molly's mum's knitting. She wasn't very keen on that!

Today I had no accidents in the house so Molly was very proud of me. And tonight I went to bed with no fuss at all, probably because I was so tired after my busy day.

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