Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Exploring the world outside

It's been a week since we wrote our last proper update, so we thought it was about time we told you about what I've been up to this week. This post will be about all the exciting trips I've been out on & the things I've seen, then we hope to post again later or tomorrow with more of a general update regarding the progress I've been making.

In the last week I've been to:
- the local shop, including a walk (well I was carried) round the block
- the vets for my second set of vaccinations & for Molly to have a chat with the nurse
- a local garden centre where I experienced hail for the first time (brrr!), met some small birds & rabbits (which didn't interest me in the slightest) & chose myself a new toy
- the village library (again) where I spent a bit of time up on the counter having cuddles & exploring the keyboard. I also met some more children there
- visit a variety of shops in a local town centre. Molly was surprised that none of them objected to me being carried in in her arms. I was very well behaved.
- Molly's friend's house to meet her dog Oscar. He seemed to be scared of me though!
- see some buses in a local town centre. I didn't mind them at all
- meet swans, geese & ducks in a local riverside park. Again I was really well behaved & happy to just watch them
- the local primary school gates at pick up time where lots of people gave me attention
- Issy & Jess' house where we did lots of playing, I met their guinea pig up close & their cat from afar
- a coffee morning for library volunteers where I had lots of fuss & came home with a Christmas present especially for me!

Tomorrow I'll be able to go out on proper walks for the first time which we're both very excited about! Molly is a bit concerned about me chewing the lead because that's what I've done every time she's tried me with it in the house or garden. But we're going to a private field this afternoon to have another go (where Molly is hoping all the new sights & smells will distract me) so we'll update you later.

Apologies for the lack of pictures, when we're out & about Molly tends to be too busy keeping an eye on me to take photos! She posted a few in the previous post though & here's one from the riverside park yesterday

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