Thursday, 18 December 2014

Pet shop adventure

This morning Molly took me out in the car, like she does most days. When the car stopped she took me out of my crate like normal but then she clipped my lead onto my harness & put me down on the ground! I was so excited! After walking across the car park we went into a big pet shop. There were lots of things to see & smell. A stranger complimented me on how well I was walking on my lead & then couldn't believe it when Molly said it was my first day using it properly (after just the one try with it in a field yesterday)! I also barely chewed my lead. Molly said she was very proud of me. I met a scary mobility scooter for the first time so had to bark at it but I impressed Molly by walking past it calmly when it stopped. Lots of people fussed me & I met two other dogs. The spaniel didn't want to play so we just said hello but the miniature schnauzer (who looked like me but white) played with me! We had lots of fun rolling round on the floor together. I also saw some fish & small animals but wasn't bothered by them. Molly didn't buy me any toys or treats at the shop - she said I've already got too many.

Molly knows these photos aren't very good but apparently it's hard to keep an eye on me, hold onto my lead & her bag & take a photo all at the same time!

And here's me having a well deserved rest once we got home


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