Monday 12 January 2015


Yesterday evening I was very good & let Molly brush me without trying to eat the brush too much. She said I looked very handsome when she'd finished so here's a photo for you before I got scruffy again!

After that Molly's dad took me for a walk round the block & said I'm doing better at not pulling on the lead. Molly isn't convinced though.

Before going to bed last night Molly took me out into the garden for my last wee, like we do every night. But last night I just pretended to do a wee because I was sleepy & wanted to go back into the house. Molly's dad took me out again before he went up to bed but I still didn't do a wee. Molly worried I'd wake her up early this morning but I slept til 8am, which means I went for 10-11 hours between wees overnight! I hope Molly doesn't expect me to do that every night!

This morning I've been a bit more reserved & cuddly than usual (although still chewing things I shouldn't) & Molly isn't sure why. She wonders if yesterday's run on the field just tired me out. This means I've been content to chew my antler & doze a bit which has enabled Molly to get on with some studying.

Molly has also been catching up on a BBC documentary called Six Puppies & Us. She certainly doesn't claim to be an expert on dogs but she couldn't believe some of the ways the featured owners behaved!

When Molly's dad came downstairs for the first time today I was so excited to see him that I got under his feet & he stepped on one of my paws! I made a lot of fuss but quickly seemed fine again so Molly said I was just being a drama queen! Hmph!

It's been raining & Molly knows I don't like to go outside in it. She bought me a raincoat before I came home but it was much too big. So we tried it again today. It's still a bit big but Molly thinks it should fit me soon. What do you think?

Molly's dad then pointed out that attaching my lead to my harness won't work with the coat as it is though so Molly thinks she might have to cut a hole in it.

Molly & her dad took me out to the field again this afternoon. I got a bit wet & chilly though so we didn't stay for long. We were practising my recall but if there was a patch of longer (wet) grass between me & whoever was calling me then I refused to go to them. They said I was a wimp but I think it was actually quite sensible! Molly expected me to fall asleep soon after we we got home but I didn't.

I just had some cuddles with Molly's dad & climbed up onto his head. Then I fell straight off the back of the chair, much to their amusement. Molly took a photo before rescuing me!

 I think I'm going to have a sleep now.

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