Sunday 4 January 2015

Fun around the house

This morning Molly put my bed & blanket in the washing machine because she said they smelled very doggy. I don't know what's wrong with that!

Rather than rushing to dry my bed she gave me a new one which she said I can have now because she trusts me not to chew it up. Hmm. I had fun growling at it & trying to kill it but have now settled down & slept on it.

I helped Molly unpack & put away the contents of the dishwasher.

This morning I found a golden beetroot in the garden! I left it outside the door when I came in because I know I'm not usually allowed to bring garden things (like sticks) inside but today Molly made an exception & I had lots of fun chewing & eating it. It took me quite a while because it was a bit frozen from being outside!

I've been mostly calm & well behaved so far today because Molly has been tired & under the weather. I let her watch a whole film & spent most of the duration of it dozing on her lap. I don't know if you can tell in the first photo but I had my neck & head at a very odd angle. Molly couldn't understand how it was comfortable, but it was.

This afternoon I showed Molly how clever I am. I've learnt that the "leave it" command (which we'd been working on with different value foods) applies to shoes that I steal & have progressed from knowing to drop them when Molly says "leave it" in exchange for a piece of food to actually taking them to her & dropping them at her feet when she gives the command. But I've also learnt that if I then immediately steal another shoe & repeat the whole thing then I get another piece of food! So I've been doing lots of shoe stealing! Molly said I'm too clever & sighed.

I had fun playing out in the garden & got very muddy digging around the chicken enclosure. Then I was picked up, carried upstairs & put straight in the bath. Not fair! Molly didn't take any photos of me this time but apparently I just looked like a bigger drowned rat than last last time I had a bath! When I was towel dried I was too put out from my bath to try to eat the towel but I soon recovered & started racing round the house again. Molly's dad bribed me with some food while Molly brushed me so I currently look very cute & fluffy. She knows I'll soon get muddy again though.

I've not yet been out on a walk today but I don't mind & haven't been as hyper as Molly expected. She's hoping to take me out later though, or perhaps her dad will.

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