Sunday 18 January 2015


Yesterday evening Molly took me for a walk round the block before she went out babysitting & left me in the care of her parents. When we go out on walks I get very excited at all the sights & sounds. I often pull on my lead but we're working on that. I also bark & lunge whenever we see another person or dog. Molly knows this is due to excitement & me wanting to play with them (rather than fear or aggression) but isn't sure how to deal with it. She's tried distracting me by making me sit for a treat when I see anyone but that doesn't occupy me for long enough so I just start barking & lunging again when I've finished. And she's read advice about not letting anyone greet me until I'm calm but these aren't people we interact with, just passers by. Molly said she's going to ask for advice at our training class next Thursday but doesn't know what to do in the meantime (& isn't always enjoying our walks at the moment) so any advice/ideas would be much appreciated.

When I woke up this morning I discovered Molly's older brother asleep in our living room! He doesn't live here so it was lovely to see him. I spent some time chasing his feet but then calmed down for cuddles.

Then Molly & her dad took me to a local reservoir that I'd not been to before & they even let me off my lead! I was mostly very good & did some good recall practise, I just lapsed a bit when a jogger ran past - I couldn't resist chasing him! Oops!

Molly said this might be too much information to tell you but I've had a bit of a funny tummy today. She suspects I've probably eaten something I shouldn't have. I haven't had any accidents inside though.

When we got home I slept/rested for a while & let Molly get on with some odd jobs. Then when I woke up I discovered that I like the sound of my own voice so did lots of barking! Molly tried to take me up into her bedroom again but I was too manic - chewing, biting & digging - to stay still. Then she realised she'd forgotten to feed me lunch so that explained my behaviour! After I ate I was a bit calmer, although I have been trying to get the chickens to play with me this afternoon.

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