Tuesday 13 January 2015

Trying Molly's patience

Yesterday evening Molly's dad showed me some videos of other schnauzers on the computer! They were interesting but not as noisy as me (note from Molly - the sound was broken!).

Molly wet one of my little ropes & put it in the freezer, then got it out for me to chew. It really helped my sore gums for a few minutes but quickly defrosted. Molly's not sure if she should have soaked or frozen it for longer.

Before Molly put me to bed in my crate last night I fell asleep snuggled up with Ted again. Molly said she had to take a photo because I looked very cute.

This morning we went out on a walk first thing, before I even had my breakfast! I'm getting better at not pulling on the lead but today I kept bouncing up for my reward when Molly asked me to "sit".

Molly said I've been more annoying than usual today - oops! I've whined when she's tried to put me in my crate for a rest, wouldn't settle down (anywhere) for more than a few minutes at a time, was nippy, grabbed at my food while we were training, kept returning to chewing the rug despite Molly's best efforts to distract me, stole remotes & tissues from Molly's pockets & ignored the command "leave it"...

However Molly has managed to get a few bits & pieces done despite me constantly wanting her attention. After I played with another frozen rope Molly successfully managed to get me to settle in my crate for a short period so she could attempt to "puppy proof" her bedroom. Apparently now she's done that she might let me go up there with her sometimes when I'm a bit calmer! I think it sounds very exciting & expect there'll be lots of new things to explore & chew. We'll keep you updated.

Now I'm dozing on the living room floor & Molly is going to attempt to watch some TV before we go out for a walk.

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